School Supply List
Supply Lists by Grade Level
1 Box of Crayola Classic Markers Washable :Thin
1 Box of Crayola Classic Markers Washable: FAT
1 Box of #2 Ticonderoga Pencils (24 pack) — Sharpened (Plain yellow)
2 Boxes Crayola Colored Pencils (12 pack)
4 Dry Erase Markers Black (THIN-EXPO Brand)
1 Ream White Copy Paper
2 large or 4 small Elmer’s Glue Sticks
2 boxes of tissues
3 containers of Clorox Wipes
1 Box Ziploc or Dollar Tree Brand Snack Bags
2 cans of Play-Doh
1 box of Band Aids
1 big-kid backpack large enough to fit standard sized notebooks and folders (labeled with name)
1 water bottle (labeled with name)
Wish List/Much Appreciated:
Page Protectors
Post-it Notes
Index cards
1 pack of black Sharpies
1 pack of Expo Dry Erase Markers (Fat)
1 roll of packing tape
Treasure box goodies or trinkets (Dollar Tree is perfect)
Extra Set of ANY Supplies From the List
First Grade
Community Supplies (do not label with name)
24 Sharpened #2 Pencils--(Ticonderoga brand preferred)
10 Glue Sticks
4 Boxes Tissue--large sized
2 Boxes Crayola Crayons--24 Count
2 Boxes 8 or More Crayola Markers--Washable/Bold colors (Fat)
1 Pair Scissors--Fiskars for Kids—(pointed)
2 Black Dry Erase Marker --thick
2 Packages Skinny Fine Point Dry Erase Markers (4-5 markers in package; any color)
1 PRIMARY composition book (top half of page is blank for drawing)
1 Ream White Copy Paper (500 sheets)
Two-Pocket PLASTIC Folders--No Prongs (blue, yellow, red, and green)
Personal Supplies (label with name)
1 Student Backpack Labeled with Student’s Name
1 Water Bottle with a Tight Lid (optional)
1 Pencil Bag – no boxes
Headphones –NO ear-buds
Optional Supplies-Much Appreciated (do not label with name)
4 Container Disinfecting Wipes
1 Box Ziploc Gallon Size Bags
1 Box Ziploc Quart Size Bags
Band Aids
Sticky notes
Paper Towels
Second Grade
Community Supplies - do not label with student names
48 Ticonderoga #2 sharpened pencils
1 Glue Sticks
4 boxes of kleenex
2 boxes of 24-count crayons
1 pair of Fiskar scissors
4 black or blue dry-erase markers - fat sized
1 ream of white copy paper
1 wide-ruled composition notebook
5 pocket folders one of each of the following colors: red with prongs, yellow, blue, green, orange
3 large containers of disinfectant wipes
1 box of band-aids
1 package of paper towels
Personal Supplies label ALL items WITH student names
1 student backpack
1 spill proof water bottle
1 pencil box
1 pair of headphones NO earbuds
Third Grade
Student Supplies - Label with student name
2 boxes of 24-count crayons
1 box of FINE tip CRAYOLA markers
1 Pair Scissors
5 pocket folders PLAIN one of each of the following colors: red with prongs, yellow, blue, green, orange
1 pair of headphones NO earbuds - with student name
1 student backpack
1 spill-proof water bottle
1 pencil box
Community Supplies - do NOT put student's name on these items
48 Ticonderoga #2 sharpened pencils -NO mechanical pencils
2 Highlighter yellow or orange
1 Package Skinny Dry Erase Markers
1 Package of fat blue or black dry-erase markers
3 Glue Sticks
3 Container of Disinfecting Wipes
Band-Aids – latex-free
1 package of paper towels
1 ream of white copy paper
Band-Aids – latex-free
3 boxes of Kleenex
Fourth Grade
Student Supplies
4 Highlighters
1 Box of 12 Colored Pencils – Please sharpen these at home
1 Package Skinny Dry Erase Markers (4-5 markers in package; any color)
4 composition notebooks (blue, red, green, and 2 other colors)
5 Pocket Folders (Plastic please) (Blue, red, green, black, and orange)
Headphones or Ear-buds (we use these daily, high priority!)
6 Containers of Disinfecting Wipes
6 Boxes of Tissue
One skinny 1 inch binder with plastic sheet protectors
Pencil bag
Community Supplies
48 Sharpened #2 Pencils
1 Pair Scissors
1 Box of Freezer Ziploc Bags
Sticky Notes
Index Cards- red, blue, yellow, and purple!!- please get the different colors- they are needed
2 Band Aids packs
Black ballpoint pens
1 package of paper towels
Optional Supplies/Highly Encouraged
2 Large Glue Sticks
Pencil eraser toppers
1 Ruler (inches AND centimeters)
*NOTE: Students may wish to purchase a set of headphones (full ear coverage) if they work better when it is quiet or are easily distracted. Many students wear them during individual work time to help increase their focus. These are optional and must be purchased by parent. For safety and health reasons, there is no sharing of earphones.
Fifth Grade
Student Supplies
24 Sharpened Plain #2 Pencils
1 Box Crayola Markers or Colored Pencils
1 Pair of Scissors – pointed any size (large enough that their fingers fit!)
4 Packs of Sticky Notes
2 Sharpies Any Color
2 Package Dry Erase Markers
2 Pink Erasers
3 Spiral Bound Notebooks
1 pair of earbuds/headphones (NO AIRPODS OR OTHER BLUETOOTH EARBUDS!)
1 Water Bottle
Community Supplies
3 Boxes of Tissue (large size)
1 Container of disinfecting wipes
1 Band-Aids – latex free
1 Box of Quart Sized Baggies (last names of A-I)
1 Box of Sandwich Sized Baggies (last names of J-R)
1 Box of Gallon Sized Baggies (last names of S-Z)
2 Large Glue Sticks OR 1 bottle of white glue
2 Highlighter pens
Optional Supplies/Highly Encouraged
1 Clipboard
1 Jeffco Public Library Card
1 Pencil/Supply Bag or Box (durable)
1 Calculator -Basic Functions
*Please be prepared for an additional list to come home AFTER the start of the school year as well as later in the year to replace any supplies as needed.